About Us

HUNG CHI GENE IVF CENTER give you the best and most comfortable experience

Medical technology and hardware are synchronized with international standards, with combined treatment courses of Western and Chinese medicine, Customized fertility plan, State-of-the-art laboratory, and service-oriented medical treatment courses.

高規格實驗室_工作區域 1 複本


Our advantage

We provide a comfortable and safe environment for couples who want to have a child and our qualified staff members of Chinese and Western medicine formulate customized treatments that suit you best. Are you ready for the arrival of a cute and clever baby.

- Authoritative physician group -

Renowned doctors

- good pregnancy plan -

Customized fertility plan

- High specification laboratory -

State-of-the-art laboratory

- Major Gynecology -

Qualified female doctors

- Authoritative physician group -

TCM Treatments for infertility

- good pregnancy plan -

Experienced consultants for a smooth pregnancy

- High specification laboratory -

Ideal and safe environment for pregnancy

- Authoritative physician group -

VIP one-on-one inquiry

- Authoritative physician group -

Online real-time customer support

-Authoritative physician group-

Renowned doctors

-good pregnancy plan-

Customized fertility plan

-High specification laboratory-

State-of-the-art laboratory

-Major Gynecology-

Qualified female doctors

-Authoritative physician group-

TCM Treatments for infertility

-good pregnancy plan-

Experienced consultants for a smooth pregnancy

-High specification laboratory-

Ideal and safe environment for pregnancy

-Authoritative physician group-

VIP one-on-one inquiry

-Authoritative physician group-

Online real-time customer support

- Authoritative physician group -

Renowned doctors

- good pregnancy plan -

Customized fertility plan

- High specification laboratory -

State-of-the-art laboratory

- Major Gynecology -

Qualified female doctors

- Authoritative physician group -

TCM Treatments for infertility

- good pregnancy plan -

Experienced consultants for a smooth pregnancy

- High specification laboratory -

Ideal and safe environment for pregnancy

- Authoritative physician group -

VIP one-on-one inquiry

- Authoritative physician group -

Online real-time customer support

Semen Analysis


Pregnancy Column

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Semen Analysis
05/03 2023

Semen Analysis

Male infertility is also possible! Semen analysis is conducted to detect potential sperm-related issues.

/stories of success/

Success stories

We provide a comfortable and safe environment for couples who want to have a child and our qualified staff members in the filed of Chinese and Western medicine formulate customized treatments that suit you best. Are you ready for the arrival of an adorable and smart baby.

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